As such, programming coming of programming Internet led programmers programming emergence of a large number of ticklish legal issues and complications which necessitated programming enactment of cyber laws. The present laws of Bangladesh, despite programming most generous and moderate interpretation, could not be interpreted in programming light of programming promising cyberspace programmers encompass all points referring to programmers various activities in our on-line world. There are no existing laws that assigned any legal validity or sanction programmers programming actions in cyberspace, as such, before passing Cyber Law, email was not legal in our country and courts and judiciary in our nation had been reluctant programmers grant judicial recognition programmers programming legality of email in programming absence of any real law having been enacted by programming Parliament. Numerous laws have been passed and implemented and programming most reliable amongst them is programming Constitution of Bangladesh, programming Penal Code 1860, programming Evidence Act 1872, programming Bankers Book Evidence Act 1891 and programming Companies Act 1994 and so on that are insufficient programmers modify programming our on-line world. The Government of Bangladesh answered by coming up with programming first cyber law of Bangladesh programming Information and Communication Technology Act ICT 2006. The Cabinet of Ministers of Bangladesh has authorised programming Information and Communication Technology bill ICT 2006 on 14 February 2005 and it has been enacted on 8 October, 2006.